Monday, 8 February 2016

First Try

So today I had my first photography class ever, and to be honest, when I first had that massive Nikon camera in my hands I was kind of intimidated. 
I always liked taking pictures, but I never had a professional camera, and as the best opportunities to take a great shot often come unexpectedly, I took most of my photographs with the front camera of my iPhone (not very professional, I know! but some of them have turned out to be pretty good!) 

After a short introduction to the history of photography, we got confronted to some of the vocabulary necessary for this course, and as I have never heard words like aperture or shutter speed before, I was kind of confused, but I guess once I get used to working with a professional camera I will learn all these terms. 

As mentioned before the first contact with the Nikon D7000 was a bit intimidating, and thus, as we had to go outside and just randomly take picture to get a feeling for the camera, I was kind of overwhelmed and didn't really know what to take pictures of, so my first tries with a professional camera are definitely not the best or the most creative ones. 

You may wonder why I took a picture of the stairs? Well, in a lecture that I had the other day about everyday life, the lecturer talked about 'the hidden everyday', and this term kind of inspired me and gave me some ideas for my photography project for this term. So I started by just taking pictures of a really random and everyday object. Stairs. 
Maybe not the best picture ever, but it is definitely a start and a first step into the right direction for this term. 

I think that this shot of part of our beautiful campus just shows how much better the quality of a professional camera is. 

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