Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Final Project Photos and Annotation: Shot 2


This second shot again shows an everyday scenario that we constantly see while going shopping, and I have to admit, that I can personally relate to it, because I’m always hanging on my phone and completely forget about the world around me when I go shopping on my own.
The difference to the previous shot is that, first of all, it is in a public space and second, it only features one single person, and yet that person seems to feel the need to escape into the virtual world.
The question that we should ask is: ‘If you’re in a public space, surrounded by people and especially, in a shop, where you’re actually supposed to look at the clothes and not your phone, why do you stare at the screen and forget everything around you? If that’s the purpose of going shopping then you could also just stay at home, couldn’t you?’
Also, the fact that she’s already holding an item in her hand, but doesn’t even look at it because she’s to busy looking at the phone in her other hand, shows us that we don’t only use touch to the people around us (as seen in the previous image), but also to the material world that surrounds us.

A room full of clothes and jewellery, you’d think it would be heaven for a woman. Yet the most precious and only object that she really wants is the one that she’s already holding in her hand, and that enables her to be connected everywhere.
I worked with a rather low depth of field to put the focus on the individual in the foreground, but in a way that you can still recognize the clothes in the background and thus identify the situation.

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